~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Addendum to Sage Pro Documentation - (05/21/09) Sage Pro ERP 7.5 (c) Copyright 2008 by Sage Software, All Rights Reserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pro 7.5 PTR 90801 SO ORDER ENTRY LINE ITEM DETAIL ON HAND/ALLOC/PROJ INACCURATE This patch applies to Sage Pro 7.5 with Service Pack 2. These instructions supplement and clarify the program documentation for Pro Series, Version 7.5. To Install the Patch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Log all users out of Pro Series and close the program. 2. Create a full backup of the Sage Pro system before installing this patch. 3. Exit Sage Pro. 4. Extract the files in P90801_Pro75.exe to a temporary directory (i.e. C:\AI_TEMP). 5. Copy the SOPOST.VCX, SOPOST.VCT and SOPOST.H files to the Sage Pro SO program folder, (i.e. C:\PRO75\SO), overwriting the existing files. 6. Copy the ProPatch90801.pat to the Sage Pro ERP root directory (i.e. C:\PRO75). 7. Restart Pro Series. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of file Pro 7.5 PTR 90801 ReadMe.txt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~